Join us for an evening of frolic, prizes and; all to benefit local public schools. Participants will be given a map with enigmatic clues leading to various locations in Noe Valley. At each location, take a photo of the answer with your phone and email it to the address provided at the beginning of the event. The first team to complete all the clues will be the winner. (Take a peek at clues from last year).
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New location this year. Begin at the Alvarado Elementary School auditorium (At the corner of Douglass and 22nd Street). Check in begins at 5:15 p.m. and the scavenger hunt starts at 6:00 p.m. sharp.
For fun. . . and prizes . . . and, umm, money. All money raised goes directly toward providing one-on-one literacy tutoring to K-5 students at low-income elementary schools in the Bay Area.
The fee is $50 for a team of up to 4 and $75 for a team of up to 6. A bargain for memories that will last a lifetime. Don’t forget to come up with a great team name. Be creative; you might get bonus points.
You’ll need a phone that can take a photo and send email. Be on time, or you’ll be in trouble. Teams have to stick together and stay on foot. Bring a flashlight (or flashlight app). Charge up your batteries. Respect the neighborhood.
Prizes are awarded to the top three finishing teams, as well as the Best Team Name. Prizes from last year included cool swag from Ambiance, Anki DRIVE, Cole Hardware, David Rio, eCreamery, GoKart Racer, Golden State Warriors, Neiman Marcus, San Francisco Giants, Sports Basement, Ubisoft, Zazzle
Interested in learning more about sponsor benefits? Please contact Tim Smith at [email protected]