Final Standings

Behold the final standings from Saturday evening’s festivities. As always, for teams with the same number of correct answers whichever team solved those questions first was ranked higher.









There were a record 44 teams registered this year! That means there were 16 teams that were scared off by a little drizzle or intimidated by the mental gymnastics required to compete.

Tech Soaked Party

Thank you to all who braved the elements for last night’s brainstorm in the rainstorm (expression stolen from SMARTIE Cedric). No one let the weather push them around last night as they hit the streets of Noe Valley cloaked in enthusiasm and rain gear.

There are more details to come, including the final rankings of all teams, but for now let’s congratulate last night’s victors.

First Place: Indomitable Immersion Mamas
The Mamas have participated in every Tech Search Party and are our first repeat champion. After coming close the past few years, they dominated from start to finish last night. May they savor the glory of their geekiness until they next defend their title.

Second Place: SMARTIES
An amalgamation of former winning teams, SMARTIES stayed on the Mamas heels all night.

Third Place: Steel Fagnolias
Also a finalist for best team name, the spiritual backing of Shirley MacLaine helped them to a solid third.

Best Team Name: Love Bytes
With close to 40 teams participating, this was a very competitive category. A well-earned victory.

Yes, Some of the Clue Sheets Got Wet

Final Questions and Answers

Congrats to all who braved the elements for the 5th annual Tech Search Party. Here are the official answers to this year’s questions:

1. Tarantino and Lundgren = 160
It’s true, both Quentin Tarantino and Dolph Lundgren have IQs of 160, same as Albert Einstein
The answer was found at EyeQ Optometry, at 4017 24th Street

2. Bankhead, Blanchette, Tandy Have This in Common
Tallulah, Cate and Jessica all played the role of Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire.
Answer was found on Blanche Street

3. Remember That Episode When Big Bird Met The Good Wife?; On The 9th Prime
Episode #4206 of The Muppets (Big Bird Sprains His Wing) featured a guest appearance from Julianna Margulies. The 9th prime number is 23
Answer found at 4206 23rd Street

4. I L S B G L V P Q B X O L L J Ask Caesar For Help
In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as Caesar’s cipher, the shift cipher, Caesar’s code or Caesar shift, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques
Shifting each letter above by 3 spells out Lovejoy’s Tea Room

5. Anagram This: Faux Red Shoo, and then head South 0.19 km
The unscrambled anagram leads you Axford House at 1190 Noe. An additional 0.19 km South is the corner of 26th and Noe. (Personal note to the school crossing guard who was wondering why I walked up and down these two blocks about 75 times. This is why.)

6. One Of Two Brothers
Why Martha Bros. Coffee, of course. But which one?
Answer is found at 1551 Church Street

7. There’s a Tech Search Party T-Shirt at Temple Street
You will have needed the Twitter hint (between Sanchez and Vicksburg) to spot the shirt hanging outside 3977 25th Street (formerly known as Temple St.). This is where your diligent scorekeepers were hard at work.

8. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, ____?____
Surely you recognize the Fibonacci Sequence? The Fibonacci Sequence is a series of numbers wherein the next number is found by adding up the two prior numbers. Fibonacci was also a recurring guest star on Fantasy Island, playing Mr. Roarke’s awkward Math professor brother. (One of many advanced physics and mathematics ‘in jokes’ from the series.) The next part of this question requires you to add up the uniform numbers of Michael Crabtree (15), Andy Lee (4) and Colin Kaepernick (7). They all add up to 26
The answer was hidden at 4181 26th Street

9. The following photo was sent out via Twitter, instructing teams to find the clue across the street
The answer could be found across the street from Hahn’s Hibachi, at Peekabootique on 1306 Castro St.

The photo was taken circa 1915 of the Nolan & Armknecht Castro Meat Market. These four dashing gentlemen set the precedent for future Castro meat markets.





10. The crossword puzzle will lead you to Umpqua Bank, at 3938 24th Street. Hope you enjoyed the cookies and hot cocoa.

Final Prize Packages Revealed

Yes, we know that 99% of you take part in Tech Search Party because of the unique combination of fun and philanthropy. For that 1% group of selfish bastards more materially motivated individuals, however, below are the prize packages for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, along with Best Team Name.

Best Team Name is awarded at the beginning of Tech Search Party, so let’s start there:

Been Shopping?

Sports Basement gift certificate ($100)

Zazzle gift certificate ($100)

Ambiance gift certificate ($50)


Tech Search Party officials will select the list of this year’s finalists, but the ultimate winner will be chosen by a representative from Eject Floppy 5.0, last year’s co-winner of this award.

The rest of the prizes are first-come, first-served. The team that comes in first chooses whichever package they prefer.

Food & Wine

A case of wine from Cole Hardware

Fine tea and chai from the proprietors at David Rio

eCreamery gift certificate ($100)

Neiman Marcus gift card for use at Rotunda Restaurant ($100)


Driving Package:

Gift certificate to GoKart Racer ($100)

Starter Kit from Anki Drive ($199 value)




Games Galore:

4 tickets to San Francisco Giants

4 tickets to Golden State Warriors (next season)

Collection of Xbox 360 games from Ubisoft

More Math, With Humans

If robots helping you with your math isn’t your cup of tea, we absolutely have other options. Also available for purchase as part of this year’s Tech Search Party are some kits from the friendly tutors at Kumon Math and Reading on Geary Blvd. in the Richmond District.

  • 2 Certificates — One Month of Free Math and Reading along with free registration and no material fee
    • Available for immediate purchase for $250.00 here
  • 4 Certificates — One Month of Free Math or Reading along with free registration and no material fee
  • Available for immediate purchase for $200.00 here



This auction ends on Feb. 11 at 5:00 pm PST, but they are also only available in limited quantities. Once they are all gone, you’ll have some have someone else help you with your homework.

The New Math, With Robots

This year’s Tech Search Party is trying something a wee bit different by adding an eBay auction to the mix. Specifically, a teaching tool called RobotsLAB Box.

The folks at RobotsLAB had some nice things to say about Tech Search Party on their blog today.

The robot kit is amazing. It comes with four different robots, a tablet, and lessons and quizzes galore. The robots are used by middle and high school teachers to demonstrate complex topics. In my day, Mr. Ferrucci tried (and failed) to teach me quadratic equations through a combination of profanity and chalkboardsmanship (yes, that’s a word).

With the kit from RobotsLAB, quadratic equations are demonstrated via a quadcopter; the Pythagorean Theorem through a robotic arm; and more and more. My money is on the robots being a more effective teaching method than Mr. Ferrucci, but see for yourself at this video overview.

RobotsLAB BOX retails for $3,500. The auction is currently live here and stays open until Feb. 11 at 5:00 pm PST.

RobotsLAB Box Highlights

  • A teaching-aid for middle and high school teachers to demonstrate Algebra I&II, Physics, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus’ using robots.
  • Great addition to math and science classrooms
  • Kit contains tablet computer, robotic arm, quadcopter, Sphero and Mobot, along with 50 hours of lessons, quizzes and videos

Press Release: Tech Search Party Scavenger Hunt Descends on San Francisco

Tech Search Party Scavenger Hunt Descends on San Francisco

Innovative EdTech Fundraiser to Support Local Schools Adds Math, Robot Auctions for Fifth Annual Event

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – February 3, 2014 – Tech Search Party, San Francisco’s geekiest scavenger hunt, returns for its fifth annual event on Saturday, February 8, 2014.

Tech Search Party is sponsored by Google, Element Public Relations, Kumon Math and Reading Center, RobotsLAB, Rocket Science Consulting, Umpqua Bank, and UrbanSitter. Details and registration can be found at

Tech Search Party assembles teams to scurry throughout Noe Valley and solve enigmatic clues with their smart phones for a chance to win prizes while also supporting local public schools. All proceeds go directly to local public school PTA groups to help grow their technology infrastructure. Participating schools this year are: Alvarado Elementary School, James Lick Middle School, and Marshall Elementary School.

Event Details:
Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014
Time: 5:30 to 8:00 pm
Location: James Lick Middle School. 1220 Noe Street, San Francisco
Fee: $50 for teams of up to four; $75 for teams of up to six
Registration: RSVP here; on-site registration available
Follow: @TechSearchParty

“Participants have a fun night out, sponsors are able to reach San Francisco’s leading geeks, I get to mess with people for one night of the year, and we raise money for schools,” according to event organizer Tim Smith, CEO of Element Public Relations. “Besides, who better to disintermediate the bake sale than Silicon Valley.”

Math Auction
This year’s agenda is decidedly STEM-focused as well, adding two math-related items that are being auctioned off in conjunction with Tech Search Party. The auctions are currently live and will remain open until Feb. 11 at 5:00 pm PST.

RobotsLAB Box

  • A revolutionary teaching-aid for middle and high school teachers to demonstrate Algebra I&II, Physics, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus’ core concepts using robots.
  • Great addition to math and science classrooms
  • Kit contains tablet computer, robotic arm, quadcopter, Sphero and Mobot, along with 50 hours of lessons, quizzes and videos
  • Auction Live Here

Kumon Math and Reading Center

  • 2 Certificates — One Month of Free Math and Reading along with free registration and no material fee
    • Available for immediate purchase for $250.00 here
  • 4 Certificates — One Month of Free Math or Reading along with free registration and no material fee
    • Available for immediate purchase for $200.00 here

Prizes – which will be awarded to the top three finishing teams, as well as the team with the Best Team Name – include Ambiance, Anki DRIVE, Cole Hardware, David Rio, eCreamery, GoKart Racer, Golden State Warriors, Neiman Marcus, San Francisco Giants, Sports Basement, Ubisoft and Zazzle.

Sponsor Quotes

“Google is excited to support Tech Search Party, an initiative that promotes technology and creativity in education in public schools throughout San Francisco.” Caitlin Adair, Google

“The Richmond East Kumon Math and Reading Center is absolutely delighted to be supporting the 2014 Tech Search Party. The Kumon Method empowers children to become self-learners, and helps them achieve more than they ever thought they could. We wish that this year’s Tech Search Party is a resounding success as the proceeds will go directly toward improving three of our local public schools.” Sheila Patel, Kumon Richmond East — San Francisco

“RobotsLAB is all about education, technology and innovation, and we think that makes us a perfect partner to Tech Search Party. We are delighted to auction off one of our RobotsLAB Box kits to help benefit San Francisco public schools.” Elad Inbar, CEO, RobotsLAB

“Mobility? Check. Creativity? Yup. High geek quotient? Yeah, we’ve got that too. Given how much Rocket Science has in common with Tech Search Party, how could we not sponsor?” Kevin Eison, Flight Director, Rocket Science Consulting

“We’re big fans of creativity, philanthropy and education in our community-related efforts. We’ve been excited to be a part of the San Francisco community since opening our flagship store downtown last fall, and Tech Search Party is just the sort of event that we’re proud to be involved in.” Nancy Missak, Noe Valley Store Manager, Umpqua Bank

“As a company built around the intersection of technology and community, we’re delighted to be a part of the Tech Search Party. It’s particularly exciting for us to have the opportunity to support our public schools.” Daisy Downs, Co-Founder, UrbanSitter

Prizes, Take Two

Yesterday, I revealed the first two prizes packages. Now its time for the final reveal. Here are the remaining two options.

Food & Wine
A case of wine from Cole Hardware (yes, wine from a hardware store. Have a problem with that?); fine tea and chai from the proprietors at David Rio; design your own ice cream with a gift certificate from eCreamery; and a gift card from Neiman Marcus for use in their Rotunda Restaurant.

Gift certificates from my wife’s favorite clothing store Ambiance (Ambiance has a special offer to Tech Search Party participants, which you can only find after you sign up); gift certificate from Sports Basement; and a gift certificate for custom-anything from Zazzle.