Congrats to all who braved the elements for the 5th annual Tech Search Party. Here are the official answers to this year’s questions:
1. Tarantino and Lundgren = 160
It’s true, both Quentin Tarantino and Dolph Lundgren have IQs of 160, same as Albert Einstein
The answer was found at EyeQ Optometry, at 4017 24th Street
2. Bankhead, Blanchette, Tandy Have This in Common
Tallulah, Cate and Jessica all played the role of Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire.
Answer was found on Blanche Street
3. Remember That Episode When Big Bird Met The Good Wife?; On The 9th Prime
Episode #4206 of The Muppets (Big Bird Sprains His Wing) featured a guest appearance from Julianna Margulies. The 9th prime number is 23
Answer found at 4206 23rd Street
4. I L S B G L V P Q B X O L L J Ask Caesar For Help
In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as Caesar’s cipher, the shift cipher, Caesar’s code or Caesar shift, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques
Shifting each letter above by 3 spells out Lovejoy’s Tea Room
5. Anagram This: Faux Red Shoo, and then head South 0.19 km
The unscrambled anagram leads you Axford House at 1190 Noe. An additional 0.19 km South is the corner of 26th and Noe. (Personal note to the school crossing guard who was wondering why I walked up and down these two blocks about 75 times. This is why.)
6. One Of Two Brothers
Why Martha Bros. Coffee, of course. But which one?
Answer is found at 1551 Church Street
7. There’s a Tech Search Party T-Shirt at Temple Street
You will have needed the Twitter hint (between Sanchez and Vicksburg) to spot the shirt hanging outside 3977 25th Street (formerly known as Temple St.). This is where your diligent scorekeepers were hard at work.
8. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, ____?____
Surely you recognize the Fibonacci Sequence? The Fibonacci Sequence is a series of numbers wherein the next number is found by adding up the two prior numbers. Fibonacci was also a recurring guest star on Fantasy Island, playing Mr. Roarke’s awkward Math professor brother. (One of many advanced physics and mathematics ‘in jokes’ from the series.) The next part of this question requires you to add up the uniform numbers of Michael Crabtree (15), Andy Lee (4) and Colin Kaepernick (7). They all add up to 26
The answer was hidden at 4181 26th Street
9. The following photo was sent out via Twitter, instructing teams to find the clue across the street
The answer could be found across the street from Hahn’s Hibachi, at Peekabootique on 1306 Castro St.
The photo was taken circa 1915 of the Nolan & Armknecht Castro Meat Market. These four dashing gentlemen set the precedent for future Castro meat markets.
10. The crossword puzzle will lead you to Umpqua Bank, at 3938 24th Street. Hope you enjoyed the cookies and hot cocoa.