Final Prize Packages Revealed

Yes, we know that 99% of you take part in Tech Search Party because of the unique combination of fun and philanthropy. For that 1% group of selfish bastards more materially motivated individuals, however, below are the prize packages for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, along with Best Team Name.

Best Team Name is awarded at the beginning of Tech Search Party, so let’s start there:

Been Shopping?

Sports Basement gift certificate ($100)

Zazzle gift certificate ($100)

Ambiance gift certificate ($50)


Tech Search Party officials will select the list of this year’s finalists, but the ultimate winner will be chosen by a representative from Eject Floppy 5.0, last year’s co-winner of this award.

The rest of the prizes are first-come, first-served. The team that comes in first chooses whichever package they prefer.

Food & Wine

A case of wine from Cole Hardware

Fine tea and chai from the proprietors at David Rio

eCreamery gift certificate ($100)

Neiman Marcus gift card for use at Rotunda Restaurant ($100)


Driving Package:

Gift certificate to GoKart Racer ($100)

Starter Kit from Anki Drive ($199 value)




Games Galore:

4 tickets to San Francisco Giants

4 tickets to Golden State Warriors (next season)

Collection of Xbox 360 games from Ubisoft

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